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Personal injury and car wreck attorney in North Alabama

Everything You Need to Know About Car Wrecks In Huntsville, Alabama

According to Statista, the forecasted number of road accidents per 1 million habitants in the United States for 2023 will be 7407.72. Although we’ve seen a steep decline and significant improvement over the years, we can all agree that each accident is one too many. This blog post will discuss everything you need to know about car wrecks in Huntsville, Alabama.

At the DeFatta Law firm, we want to provide you with tips and knowledge so that should you find yourself in such an unfortunate situation, you are empowered with the right tools.

Every few years, CRASH FACTS gathers some important statistics related to car wrecks. Here are some vital statistics to know about car accidents in Alabama.

  • There were 159,102 crashes in 2019. A decrease of 0.51% compared to 2018.
  • In Alabama, a traffic crash was reported every 3 minutes and 55 seconds in 2020.
  • There were 46,383 injuries in 2019. A decrease of 2.18% compared to 2018.
  • Based on 2019 data, typical drivers in Alabama have greater than a one in three chance of involvement in an injury or fatal crash operating a vehicle over their lifetimes.
  • In 2019, there were 47 certified fatalities associated with distracted driving.
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way is the number one cause of most non-fatal crashes.
  • In 2020, a person was killed in a traffic crash every 9 hours and 20 minutes.
  • In 2019 there were 9,018 crashes in Huntsville, Al, with casualties and 2,390 injuries.

These statistics alone clearly indicate the importance of knowing your options for a Huntsville accident lawyer.

What To If You Are In A Serious Car Accident

First and foremost, we hope you never find yourself in such a situation. If you are in a car wreck in Huntsville, here’s what you should do. It’s important to note that witnessing and being involved in a car wreck in Huntsville, Al, carries different obligations. Even if you are not injured, if you are involved in a car accident, do not leave the scene.

If not done already, turn off your vehicle, call 911 and proceed as per the operator’s instructions. If you are injured, stay calm and remember to do as the 911 operator advises. If you are not injured, check on the other driver, and ONLY if necessary and advised by a 911 operator, everyone should move to safety.

Document and take photos of the scene—exchange information with the other driver. If you, the other driver, or any passengers are injured, you may ask an officer or a witness for assistance with documenting and taking photos of the scene for insurance purposes.

If you are able to, you should gather the contact information of anyone who was of assistance or witnessed the accident. You should also document anything that you remember. Most smartphones have voice note features, so if you are too shaken up to write up some notes, create a voice note with as much detail as possible. Everything that you can remember, document it. This will be particularly helpful for your Huntsville accident lawyer.

It’s important that you stay calm. You may feel fine, but if you were in an accident, it’s essential that you seek medical attention and obtain a copy of your full medical report. Adrenaline is one of our worst enemies in stressful situations (even outside the realm of car accidents), and it can cause us to ignore pain or injuries. Even if you think you feel well, seek medical attention after an accident.

Once you can, your top priority should be to obtain a consultation from DeFatta Law Firm so that you can establish liability and have assistance from your lawyer to start interviewing witnesses. Navigating the law from a car wreck is no simple task, as laws and insurance processes can vary from state to state. We’ll help you understand the law, including statutes of limitations. You can trust us to guide you through the entire process.

What to Do If You Are In a Fender Bender

A Fender Bender is much different than a major car wreck, but there is still a process to follow as things can arise after the fact. First, try to stay calm. Getting out of your car and confronting the other driver may be tempting, but this will not help. Instead, take a deep breath and make sure everyone is okay. If anyone needs medical attention, call 911 immediately—don’t wait for things to settle down.

Exchange contact information with the other driver. If they are unable to provide insurance information or a valid license number, ask them for their name and contact information so that you can file an accident report with the police. Take photos of all vehicles involved in the accident and any damage to either vehicle (including dents). This will help document the situation and provide necessary evidence later.

If possible, write down everything that happened during or immediately after the crash—what each party said and did before getting back into their respective cars after exchanging information, etcetera. If you remember anything from before the accident, make a note of it.

With any car accident, it’s important to consult with your insurance and a Huntsville accident lawyer because you never know what situation may arise later. Remember, even if you’ve had what many would refer to as a “minor fender bender,” you need to understand your rights, protect yourself and know if you are entitled to any compensation. Seeking legal counsel is always a recommended step.

What To Do if You Witness a Car Wreck in Huntsville

If you’re ever in a situation where you witness a car accident while driving or as a pedestrian, here’s what you need to do.

First and foremost, remain calm. It can be scary and overwhelming to witness an accident, but your priority is ensuring you are safe and then ensuring that everyone involved is safe. Call 911 immediately and give the operator as much detail as possible. If you can, and it is safe to do so, check on both drivers and passengers. Suppose you are certified to operate and have access to an AED (automated external defibrillator); you fall under the Good Samaritan Law in Alabama and are immune from civil liability should you, in good faith, render this needed service to attempt to save a life.

If children are in the cars or on the road, ensure they’re accounted for and safe before worrying about anything else. If the victims are alert and talking, reassure them that help is on the way. You should know that your safety should be your number one priority. If helping anyone on the scene can compromise your safety, wait for emergency services.

Finally, give your contact information to the officers on the scene in the event that your testimony is required. Stopping and offering help when you witness a car wreck is a judgment call, one that could make the difference between life and death. As a Good Samaritan who witnesses and does your best to assist during an accident, the law will almost always be in your favor. If you have any doubts or find yourself in a situation where legal counsel is required, a Huntsville accident lawyer from DeFatta Law Firm is just a quick phone call or email away.

Seeking Help: Alabama Personal Injury Attorney

Where to start if you are searching for a personal injury lawyer in the Huntsville area? As a leading car accident attorney in Huntsville, Al, Philip M. DeFatta prides himself on providing stellar legal counsel and representation to clients who need a personal injury lawyer. The team at DeFatta law has helped countless residents in Alabama recover from injuries sustained from car, truck, 18-wheeler, and other commercial vehicle accidents.

We understand how traumatic and life-altering it can be when someone causes your accident. This is why working with a leading Car accident lawyer in Huntsville is key. We know that no matter what kind of accident you were involved in, whether it was a car crash or truck wreck, we have the expertise and resources necessary to help you get back on track with your life after the accident.

Personal injury victims often suffer more severe injuries than they appear at first glance. Although some auto accidents may appear minor, the forces involved still cause severe injuries and long-term trauma.

Life After a Car Wreck In Huntsville, Alabama

After a car wreck, you might feel like you’re in a fog. You don’t know exactly what to do, or you’re afraid of doing the wrong thing. We understand—we’ve helped many individuals in this situation. Taking care of yourself after an accident goes beyond seeking counsel from a Huntsville’s accident lawyer. At DeFatta Law, we want to equip you with the best possible resources to navigate these challenging times.

So, here are some tips for how to handle life after a car wreck:

Take it easy—your body needs time to recover. Do things at your own pace, and don’t feel guilty if you can’t do everything right away. No two recovery experiences are the same, and you shouldn’t feel bad for listening to your body.

Remember that other people might not be able to see how badly you’re hurting, so it’s okay if they don’t see your pain or understand it. You can always explain it to them later when you feel ready. Do not allow anyone to convince you that you do not need to seek help, as things will get better. Yes, things will get better. However, in the present moment, it is important that you give priority to self-care. Car accidents cause not only physical damage, but can also precipitate mental distress. It is crucial that you care for both your body and mind during this time.

It is common for employees to forget the resources available to them at work. Furthermore, it is also common for employers and human resources departments to identify additional resources they have available to help you. Whether that is access to counseling or training or other perks and benefits that you forgot were available, having this conversation will help you in your recovery journey. Even if you’re feeling well, returning to work after an accident can be stressful; any great employer will want to support their employees.

Another tip that we love to share is to research your local governmental support available. Telehealth has come a long way in terms of services available, and many Psychotherapists offer online therapy, including local service providers such as Empower Counseling LLC.

After a car wreck, it may be challenging to get your life back in order. With the help of your loved ones, an Alabama personal injury attorney, your employer, and other available resources, you’ll be able to put the accident behind you in no time.

At DeFatta Law Firm, our goal is to help you through this process while ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the duration of your case.

Written by
Phil DeFatta
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